(1) The Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. Pro-Chancellor who shall be its chairperson;
  2. Vice Chancellor;
  3. Secretary to the Govemment, Health Department or a nominee not below the rank of Additional Secretary; .
  4. Secretary to the Government, Finance Department or a nominee not below the rank of Additional Secretary;
  5. Secretary to the Government, Education Department or a nominee not below the rank of Additional Secretary;
  6. Secretary to the Government, Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department or a nominee not below the rank of Additional Secretary;
  7. Chairman of the Commission or a nominee not below the rank of a whole-time member of the Commission
  8. one senior most Dean of the faculties;
  9. three members including at least two women members of Provincial Assembly of the Punjab preferably Doctors to be nominated by the Speaker of the Assembly;
  10. two retired Principals or Professors of Fatima Jinnah Medical College or University to be nominated by the Government;
  11. two financial experts or bankers to be nominated by the Government;
  12. two philanthropists or representatives of civil society to be nominated by the Government;
  13. head of an associated faculty including Medical Superintendent of at least two hundred beds attached hospital and the Dean of attached nursing school; and
  14. two Vice Chancellors, one from public sector university and one from a private sector university, to be nominated by the Chancellor.

(2) The Registrar shall be the Secretary of the Syndicate.

(3) The Pro-Chancellor may nominate a member of the Syndicate to preside over a meeting of the Syndicate in the absence of the Pro-Chancellor.

(4) The members of the Syndicate, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for three years.

(5) Seven members of the Syndicate shall constitute the quorum for.a meeting of the Syndicate.

(6) – The Vice Chancellor shall, with the approval of the Pro-Chancellor, summon a meeting of the Syndicate.

(7) The Syndicate shall take decision by majority of the votes of members present and voting and the Registrar shall clearly reflect the dissent, if any, along with the reasons of such dissent.